Liste des films

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Hong-Kong Golden Swallow 金燕子1987 3.25 (4 Critiq.)
The Gang Don't Shoot Straight 1987
The Goofy Gang 1987 2.75 (2 Critiq.)
Goodbye Darling 呷醋大丈夫1987 2.25 (2 Critiq.)
The Greatest Lover 公子多情1988 3 (5 Critiq.)
Guests in the House 1988 2.5 (1 Critiq.)
Ghost's Hospital 1988 2.5 (1 Critiq.)
Gangland Odyssey 1988 3.38 (4 Critiq.)
The Good, the Bad, and the Beauty 鬼馬保鑣賊美人1988 3.2 (11 Critiq.)
Gangs 1988 3.3 (5 Critiq.)
Gunmen 天羅地網1988 3.41 (40 Critiq.)
Goodbye Hero 1988 2 (2 Critiq.)
Goodbye My Friend 1988 1 (1 Critiq.)
Ghost Fever 鬼溝人1989 3 (2 Critiq.)
Gift from Heaven 1989 2.5 (1 Critiq.)
Ghost Ballroom 猛鬼舞廳1989 2.25 (2 Critiq.)
Ginseng King 1989 0.75 (3 Critiq.)
Ghost Busting 1989 2.62 (2 Critiq.)
God of Gamblers 2 賭俠1990 2.54 (26 Critiq.)
Ghost Legend 1990 3 (4 Critiq.)

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