Liste des films

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Hong-Kong Satan Returns 1996 2.96 (6 Critiq.)
Six assassins 六刺客1971 2.62 (6 Critiq.)
Summer's Tail 夏天的尾巴2007 3.46 (6 Critiq.)
The Secret 1979 3.12 (6 Critiq.)
Shark Busters 反收數特遣隊2002 2.71 (6 Critiq.)
Super Fans 2007 2.08 (6 Critiq.)
The Sting 俠聖1992 2.5 (6 Critiq.)
Sakra, la légende des demi-dieux 天龍八部之喬峯傳2023 2.04 (6 Critiq.)
Sentenced to Hang 三狼奇案1989 3.29 (6 Critiq.)
Summer I love You 好心相愛2002 1.83 (6 Critiq.)
Story of a Discharged Prisoner 1967 3.71 (6 Critiq.)
Shaolin Dolemite 1999 2.4 (5 Critiq.)
Stooges in Hong Kong 1992 3.25 (5 Critiq.)
The Spirit of the Sword 1982 3 (5 Critiq.)
The Silver Fox 1968 3 (5 Critiq.)
Spiritual Boxer 神打1975 3.35 (5 Critiq.)
Summer Holidays 夏日的麼麼茶2000 2.7 (5 Critiq.)
Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu Siu Lam Tung Ji Gung1981 2.45 (5 Critiq.)
Le secret de la gourde magique 中文字幕2007 2.3 (5 Critiq.)
The Soong Sisters 宋家皇朝1997 2.6 (5 Critiq.)

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