Moonlight Express

Album info
Title Moonlight Express
Year 1999
Description Bande Originale
authorDavid LAI Dai-Wai
Genre Instrumental
Duration ??
Product info
Distributor Mei Ah Music
Version CD
Reference MMCD 87003
Album tracks
1I don't want to change
2Hitomi's theme
4Looking for a night of happyness
5Paradise in dream
6Breaking the rules
7Karbo's theme
8I'll be waiting
9The story of Ah Tung
10Crystal Palace
11Flame in my heart Lyrics
I still hear your voice
softly calling my name
but I know my answer in vain
cause I couldn't be with you
when you needed help and rescue
from the darkness that took you away

will there be absolution
at the story's conclusion
or will there be just endless pain

I still hear your voice
softly calling my name
though destiny torn us apart
you still burn like a flame
in my heart

will there be absolution
at the story's conclusion
or will there be just endless pain

I still hear your voice
softly calling my name
though destiny torn us apart
you still burn like a flame
in my heart
13Lover's Tears
14Days at large
15Secret love
16Rain and tears
18Release me
19Final encounter
20Flame in my heart
21Beginning of love
22Moonlight express Lyrics
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