List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
Previous Page Next Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Hong-Kong Underground Express 1990 3.75 (6 Reviews)
The Unmatchable Match 風雨同路1990 3.39 (11 Reviews)
Ultimate Vampire 1991 3.25 (4 Reviews)
The Unleaded Love 1992 2.75 (1 Reviews)
Unforgetful Holiday 1992 1.5 (1 Reviews)
Under The Rose 1992 3 (1 Reviews)
The Unpublicizable File 1993
The Untold Story 八仙飯店之人肉叉燒包1993 3.53 (31 Reviews)
Undefeatable 1994 2 (1 Reviews)
The Unbearable 風雨同路1994
The Underground Banker 1994 3.71 (13 Reviews)
Underground Judgement 1994 1.5 (2 Reviews)
Ultimate Revenge 1995
The Umbrella Story 1995 2 (1 Reviews)
Undress Me 1996
Up for the Rising Sun 抱擁朝陽1997 2 (1 Reviews)
The Untold Story 2 人肉叉燒包2天誅地滅1998
The Untold Story 3 四人幫之錢唔夠洗1999 1.5 (2 Reviews)
Untouchable Lady 非常小姐1999
Unexpectable Killing 1999

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| Only movies with reviews | Projects/Shooting in progress
