Liste des films

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Chine Certificat de Mariage 2001 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Two stupid eggs 大电影2.0之两个傻瓜的荒唐事2006 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Be Blessed with Double Happiness 2005 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Sorry Baby 没完没了 mei wan mei liao1999 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
The Other Half Yi Ban Yi Ban2007 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Labor's Love Lao Gong Zhi Ai Qing1922 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Trouble Makers Guangrong de fennu2006 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
The Journey away 伟大的伟2008 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Les Larmes de madame Wang 哭泣的女人2002 3.46 (6 Critiq.)
Le Roi des Masques 变脸1996 3.4 (12 Critiq.)
L' Enfant au Violon 和你在一起2002 3.25 (14 Critiq.)
Tomboy Hua shen gu niang1936 3.25 (1 Critiq.)
A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop 三枪拍案惊奇2009 3.17 (3 Critiq.)
Equation of love and death 李米的猜想2008 3.12 (10 Critiq.)
La Perle rare 非诚勿扰2008 3.12 (6 Critiq.)
Les Petites fleurs rouges Kan shang qu hen mei2006 3.06 (4 Critiq.)
One Night Surprise 一夜惊喜2013 3 (1 Critiq.)
Lost In Beijing Ping guo2007 3 (7 Critiq.)
San Mao, seul dans la vie 三毛 - 无家可归1984 3 (1 Critiq.)
Le Fusil de Lala 2008 3 (3 Critiq.)

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