List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Japan Shitoyakana kedamono Shitoyakana kedamono1962 2.92 (3 Reviews)
Hara Kiri 切腹1962 4.46 (45 Reviews)
47 Ronin Chushingura - Hana no maki yuki no maki1962 3.6 (5 Reviews)
Human 人間1962 3.25 (2 Reviews)
An Affair at Akitsu Akitsu onsen1962 3.08 (15 Reviews)
Being two isn't easy Watashi wa nisai1962 1.5 (3 Reviews)
The Kisaragi Sword Kisaragi muso ken1962 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Indulgence Tadare1962 3.5 (2 Reviews)
Zatoichi 01: The Tale of Zatoichi Zatoichi Monogatari1962 3.81 (36 Reviews)
Life of a Woman Onna no issho1962
Foundry Town 1962 2.75 (2 Reviews)
Twin Sisters of Kyoto Koto1962
Destiny's son Kiru1962 4.09 (31 Reviews)
The Rebel Amakusa shiro tokisada1962 3.1 (5 Reviews)
The Pitfall Otoshiana1962 3.73 (12 Reviews)
Gang tai Gang Gang tai Gang1962
Tears on the lion's mane 涙を、獅子のたて髪に1962 2.5 (1 Reviews)
Duel at Lightning Pass Inazuma to uge no ketto1962
Sanjuro 椿三十郎1962 3.88 (39 Reviews)
Love for a Mother Mabuta no haha1962 1.88 (6 Reviews)

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| Only movies with reviews | Projects/Shooting in progress
