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The Magic Touch

main information

english title The Magic Touch

cast & crew

directorMichael HUI Koon-Man - 許冠文
actorMichael HUI Koon-Man - 許冠文
Leon LAI Ming - 黎明
Teddy CHEN Tak-Sum - 陳德森
Winnie LAU Siu-Wai
Phillip CHAN Yan-Kin - 陳欣健
LAI Wai-Ming
LO Fan
Michael DINGA
Yonfan MANSHIH - 楊凡
Dayo WONG Chi-Wah - 黃子華
Ricky HUI Koon-Ying - 許冠英
Carrie NG Ka-Lai - 吳嘉麗
Jamie LUK Kim-Ming
TIN Kai-Man
CHAN Hiu-Ying
producerMichael HUI Koon-Man - 許冠文
scriptwriterDayo WONG Chi-Wah - 黃子華
Michael HUI Koon-Man - 許冠文
cinematographerHerman YAU Lai-To - 邱禮濤

additional Info


"The Magic Touch" has Michael Hui returned to the director's chair in more than 7 years. In this sci-fi comedy, Michael plays fortune-telling can artist who turned out to really "see the future" and does good deeds. "The Magic Touch" features some early performances of pop start Leon Lai and comedian Dayo Wong. Together they have made this film one of the top films of 1992 and also becoming Michael Hui's highest box office grossing film to this day.

(source : DVD)

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